The Intensive week in Vilnius



The Intensive week in Vilnius really was Intensive. In five days five different European countries share their statics, stories, ideas and methods. After that week I felt like I’ve done two weeks work in few days but at the same time I had this exciting feeling that we are creating something new and fascinating.

Every country had their own day and own programme. Usually first we talked about child protection numbers and statistics, shared pictures and stories from different RCC’s and closed up the day with groupwork and conversation.  Terminology differed between countries so everyone had to be presence to be able to have conversations and share thoughts.

Best things in my week in Vilnius was interesting presentations and rousing speakers. Sharing ideas and understanding different point of views were rewarding. Even though the theme was the same the whole week, being in international environment, every countrys differ visions and way to see things brought different nuances and learning something new was inevitable. Meeting new people, creating new networks and also get to know new cultures along with all the new things I learned in Vilnius made my week meaningful for my work in RCC and to my Thesis.

Reetta Timonen, Elina Martindale ja Maiju Salonen from TUAS